Tuesday, July 13, 2010


While Aunt J and Uncle G were here, we got to talking about Tinfoilies. They had never heard of them and I'm betting most people haven't but it's a fantastic dinner. They also go by the name of Hobo Stew. It's great for camping, at home, in the oven, on the grill...anywhere.

Servings: 4
Prep Time:
25 Min
Cook Time: 30-45 Min


1 Pound hamburger
4 White Potatoes
1 Large white onion
3 C carrots

BBQ Sauce
Hot Sauce

To start, lay out four large pieces of tinfoil, this is where everything will go when it's sliced and diced. Next, make four hamburger patties at the desired size for each diner and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Place one patty on each piece of foil. Slice the potatoes thinly and place desired amount on each tinfoil. (Thinner is better, but not paper thin. Too think and it will take too long to finish! Too thin and it will be mushy!)

Now, Cut the onion into slim rings. Same note as the potatoes. Not minced thin, but not too thick. Place desired onion on each tinfoil. Slice the carrots and do the same.

Lastly, and this is where you get to make all the decisions, cover with your favorite sauce. As a note, doing all hot sauce is NOT recommended. It is usually too thin to cook for long periods of time. Instead, mix it with some of the ketchup. They should be heavily striped with your sauce.

Next, fold in the edges of the tinfoilies and mark each person's with a sharpie. Preheat oven to 400 and cook for 30-45 min or until the vegetables are tender. (Meat should always be finished before the vegetables). Remove from the oven when done. Standing over the sink, carefully use a fork to puncture the bottom of each tinfoil packet to release excess grease and steam. Open and flip remainder on a plate. It will be messy when doing this so don't even try to keep the plate spotless!


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